Putty Xmodem File Transfer

This procedure assumes that:

  • PuTTY wish zmodem. We don't see that this is a vital requirement because we already supply two file transfer mechanisms in the PuTTY suite. To send files back, one of several protocols could be used, kermit, xmodem, ymodem and zmodem. The channel that the files were sent over were the actual login session.
  • Begin the Xmodem or Xmodem-1K transfer now. CCC; before the 3 CCC appear quick right click on the hyperterminal window and choose Transfer Send File. Choose the Xmodem protocol in the Send File dialog box and click Browse in order to select the Cisco IOS image (.bin file) that you selected previously. Click Send in order to begin the Xmodem transfer.

The only option to recover the switch is an Xmodem file transfer. Step 4 covers this file transfer. If the boot command has failed or there is no valid image from which to boot in Flash, perform an Xmodem file transfer. A typical Xmodem file transfer can take up to 2 hours, which depends on the image size. Copying Files With XMODEM (Lab) - Part 1 of 3Using XMODEM to install an IOS image on a Cisco device should only be done if there are no other transfer (TFTP.

  • The switch is connected via the Console RS-232 port to a PC operating as a terminal. (For information on connecting a PC as a terminal and running the switch console interface, see the Installation and Getting Started Guide you received with the switch.)

  • The switch software is stored on a disk drive in the PC.

  • The terminal emulator you are using includes the Xmodem binary transfer feature. (For example, in the HyperTerminal application included with Windows NT, you would use the Send File option in the Transfer drop-down menu.)

Downloading to Flash using Xmodem and terminal emulator


Downloads a software file to primary or secondary flash. If you do not specify the flash destination, the Xmodem download defaults to primary flash.


To download a switch software file named E0822.swi from a PC (running a terminal emulator program such as HyperTerminal) to primary flash:

  1. Execute the following command in the CLI:

  2. Execute the terminal emulator commands to begin the Xmodem transfer. For example, using HyperTerminal:

    1. Click on Transfer, then Send File.

    2. Type the file path and name in the Filename field.

    3. In the Protocol field, select Xmodem.

    4. Click on the button.

      The download can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate used in the transfer.

  3. When the download finishes, you must reboot the switch to implement the newly downloaded software. To do so, use one of the following commands:


    Reboots from the selected flash



    Reboots from the flash image currently in use

  4. To confirm that the software downloaded correctly:

    Check the Firmware revision line. It should show the software version that you downloaded in the preceding steps.

NOTE: The menu interface accesses only the primary flash.

Putty Xmodem File Transfer Driver

  1. From the console Main Menu, select

  2. Press [E] (for Edit.)

  3. Use the Space bar to select XMODEM in the Method field.

  4. Press [Enter], then [X] (for eXecute) to begin the software download.

    The following message appears:

    Press enter and then initiate Xmodem transfer from the attached computer.....

  5. Press [Enter] and then execute the terminal emulator commands to begin Xmodem binary transfer.

    For example, using HyperTerminal:

    1. Click on Transfer, then Send File.

    2. Enter the file path and name in the Filename field.

    3. In the Protocol field, select Xmodem.

    4. Click on the [Send] button.

    The download then commences. It can take several minutes, depending on the baud rate set in the switch and in your terminal emulator.

  6. After the primary flash memory has been updated with the new software, you must reboot the switch to implement the newly downloaded software. Return to the Main Menu and press [6] (for Reboot Switch.) You then see the following prompt:

    Press the space bar once to change No to Yes, then press [Enter] to begin the reboot.

  7. To confirm that the software downloaded correctly:

    1. From the Main Menu, select

      1. Status and Counters

    2. Check the Firmware revision line.

During my daily working, I do the development on Windows OS; besides, we have aDebian server for running different jobs automatically, file storage, etc.Sometimes, we also need to transfer files from Windows OS to Linux OS, orreverse; in this case, we use Putty to realize the transfering. Today, I willtalk about how to use Putty for transfer files with the following points:

  • What is Putty ?
  • Requirements
  • Transfering files from Windows to Linux
  • Transfering files from Linux to Windows

What is Putty ?

PuTTY is a free and open-source terminal emulator, serial console andnetwork file transfer application. It supports several network protocols,including SCP, SSH, Telnet, rlogin, and raw socket connection. It can alsoconnect to a serial port. The name “PuTTY” has no official meaning.


  • Windows OS
  • Linux OS
  • Putty installed: download Putty here
  • Putty PSCP installed: download Putty PSCP here

Transfering files from Windows to Linux

To transfer files from Windows OS to Linux OS, we will apply PSCP. Before westart, let’s have a general understanding of it. PSCP means “PuTTy SecureCopy Protocol (PSCP)”, is a tool for transferring files securely betweencomputers using an SSH connection. To use this utility, we should becomfortable working in the Windows Command Prompt.

Now, let’s start to transfer files to Linux:

Xmodem File Transfer With Putty

  • Open Windows Command Prompt.
  • Type pscp source_path user_name@host:target_path at the prompt

Here, ./weekly_report.xlsx specifies the path of source file, xxx is user’saccount for accessing the Linux server, 123.456.789.0 is the host address,/reporting presents target path.

  • After the bash script above, we also need to type the password for accessingthe Linux server.

Transfering files from Linux to Windows

Transfering files from Linux OS to Windows OS is similar to the steps above:

Xmodem file transfer with putty
  • Open Windows Command Prompt.
  • Type pscp user_name@host:source_path target_path at the prompt
  • Same as above, after the bash script above, we also need to type the passwordfor accessing the Linux server.


In this blog, I introduced how to use Putty to transfer files from Windows OSto Linux OS and reverse. Hope it’s useful for you.

Putty Xmodem File Transfer System


Putty Xmodem File Transfer App

  • “PuTTY”, wikipedia. [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PuTTY
  • “Transfer Files Using PuTTY”, it.cornell.edu. [Online]. Available: https://it.cornell.edu/managed-servers/transfer-files-using-putty
  • Comfreak, “traffic information superhighway”, pixabay.com. [Online]. Available: https://pixabay.com/photos/traffic-information-superhighway-3524185/